PITTSBURGH, April 10, 2012 – Services and programs provided by Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania helped 61,308 individuals last year, according to the agency’s recently released annual report for 2011. Over 40,000 benefitted from a variety of community services and more than 11,000 received job-related services through PA CareerLink. Other major service areas were education, employment placement, and transitional and youth services.
One of the area’s largest and most diverse human services agencies, Goodwill SWPA also reported that it recycled 26,157,148 pounds of donated goods during 2011, including 2,519,045 pounds of computers and E-waste items; 4,708,715 pounds of recyclables such as aluminum, plastic, glass and newspapers collected at the Goodwill-operated Fayette County Recycling Center; 18,685,004 pounds of retail recyclables such as books, shoes, toys and housewares; and 244,384 pounds of toner containers.
Total revenues for Goodwill SWPA in 2011 were $47,071,593 compared to $46,674,358 in 2010. Expenses for program services and supporting services for 2011 were $45,163,573, resulting in a consolidated change in net assets of $1,908,020, compared to 2010 expenses of $40,802,523 and a consolidated change in net assets of $5,871,835.